
Oaklandsocialist to participate in debate on 2024 elections this Sunday

Save the Date! September 24th

11:00 AM PDT/2:00 PM EDT

Socialists and the 2024 Elections in the USA

An online forum brought to you by the Marxmail.world List

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The Marxism list is changing. Beginning with this forum we will be organizing online forums on topical and theoretical issues of interest to Marxists and those interested in Marxism. If you have a suggestion for a future event and/or featured speakers, please post it.

Featured Speakers

Howie Hawkins

Howie Hawkins is a retired Teamster in Syracuse, New York, who has been active in movements for civil rights, peace, labor, the environment, and independent left politics since the late 1960s. He was the Green Party nominee for President in 2020.

Howie will explain why he believes, “The left should run independent ecosocialist candidates in 2024, including for President, in order to amplify progressive movements and demands and move the debate.”

For more information, go here https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/greensocialist

Or here https://howiehawkins.us/

Nancy Reiko Kato

Nancy Reiko Kato is the organizer for Bay Area Freedom Socialist Party and a union activist in AFSCME Council 57. She is a leader in the National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice and a defender of LGBTQI+ and people of color.

Nancy and the Freedom Socialist PartyWorking say they, “…present a cogent, leftwing alternative to the Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Greens who all support capitalism…”

“In elections where FSP has no candidate, we support other anti-capitalist and socialist office seekers by helping them get on the ballot and sending out letters in which we evaluate socialist candidates and take positions on local and statewide ballot measures.”

For more information, go here https://socialism.com/about-fsp/

David Walters

David Walters has been in the revolutionary movement since 1972. In the Young Socialist Alliance and Socialist Workers Party until 1981, he has worked in shipyards and power plants most of his life and been active in the unions at his workplaces including an organizing drive at a non-union shipyard in 1983 in Los Angeles. He sat on the San Francisco Labor Council from 1992 through 2000 for IBEW Local 1245. David is one of the editors of The Selected Works of Eugene V. Debs.

David will speak about the traditional revolutionary and Marxist approaches to bourgeois elections, but he says, “…I’m still opposed to voting for Democrats BUT I no longer can honestly say to folks ‘there is no difference’ between the two parties. There is a huge difference, and it affects lives every day… I no longer tell people they shouldn’t vote for Democrats because of the near total disintegration of any viable alternative…serious alternative. I can’t ethically justify telling people not to vote for them.”

John Reimann

John Reimann is the former recording secretary of Carpenters Union Local 713 who was expelled for helping lead a wildcat strike. John ran as a working-class socialist candidate for Mayor of Oakland, CA in 2022. He has been active as a socialist in the working-class movement in the United States and internationally for many years, including at present being a founding member of and active participant in the Ukraine Socialist Solidarity Campaign.

John will explain why he believes, “… it was correct in the past to oppose voting for Democrats. However, the situation has changed drastically and while we cannot rely on the Democrats, the most important task today is to stop the fascist-connected Republicans, which means when it comes time to actually vote we should vote for the Democrats.”

For more information on his views, go to oaklandsocialist.com

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2 replies »

    • “Marxmail”, who were the organizers of this discussion, just set up their own youtube channel and will be posting the video recording of it soon. I’m also going to write up an analysis and summary. Thanks for your interest.

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